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What do the words empathic, visionary, and creative have in common? Author Julie Lyonn Lieberman. The Roaring Brook Fiddler is a unique, compelling, and deeply touching story of the development of a truly creative spirit. For anyone living the creative life, or exploring sensitivities beyond the norm, this book is for you!
— Sean Murphy, Hemingway Award-winning author of One Bird, One Stone and The Time of New Weather
Julie Lieberman is a natural writer. Her book recounts her adventures as a formal classical musician who forged new paths as a pioneering improviser and role model for a new generation to dare to be creative, What she says rings true, speaks from the heart and invites the reader into her world to hear you tell her story.
— David Amram, Composer/Conductor/Multi-Instrumentalist
Julie Lyonn Lieberman’s book is riveting… an amazing tale. Man oh man can she tell a story and keep the reader’s attention glued to the page! I closed the cover with tears streaming down my face.
— Pamela Spiro Wagner, author of We Mad Climb Shaky Ladders (CavanKerry Press, 2009) and Divided Minds (St. Martin’s Press, 2005)
Julie Lyonn Lieberman has written a truly beautiful book that touches the heart, mind, and spirit without ever getting sentimental, even while penetrating some of the most private and profound moments of her life. This is more than a memoir; it is scenes from one of the most important violinists in the genres of folk and jazz there is. Julie is a consummate artist, with an unflinching eye for the candor, able to evoke the deepest emotional truth with her breathtaking honesty and integrity. She is also one hell of a writer.
—Robert Fritz, author, The Path of Least Resistance
This is a wonderful, courageous, sad and beautiful book, one that will leave the reader richer. It will be like a silver sword for them—something that makes them feel that if the author could have survived all this and decided to thrive, so can they.
— Anne Weiss, poet and songwriter
I love the memoir! It is inspirational. There are so many wonderful memory stories I’ve come across over the last few years. The Roaring Brook Fiddler rises to the top of my list!
—Sydney Alberg
US violinist and educator Julie Lyonn Lieberman is a force of nature, exemplified by this latest publication. Not a book of music, this time, but a memoir of her creative life with its twists and turns, highs and lows, and candid self-awareness. She writes with her heart on her sleeve, and the resulting publication is a fulfillment of a promise to her mother as she lay dying.
The book recounts a series of experiences, family relationships and challenges. It doesn’t flinch. And it is also a compelling reflection of a musician’s other life that the audience doesn’t know about – how, despite internal challenges, the show needs to go on not only to put food on the table, but also to allow a career and artistic life to progress.
Julie Lyonn Lieberman is an inspiring and innovative music educator and her books and videos have challenged and supported me since the beginning of my career as a performer and teacher. I ordered The Roaring Brook Fiddler as soon as I heard about it because I was curious to read about her life in music.
I found it to be an emotionally charged read, infused with the author’s creative energy, and positive mindset and perseverance through many difficult challenges. I’m sure that many readers will find her story resonates with them.
—LEAH ROSEMAN, Violinist and host of “Conversations with Musicians with Leah Roseman”
2nd Place Winner
This was an incredibly emotional and deeply inspiring read, Julie. Thank you so much for sharing your life experience.
Wow! What a fascinating story. As suspenseful as any novel.
What really stopped me cold in my tracks was your walk with your dog Midnight just before the Sandy Hook shooting. You described the scene so well about when you encountered the Sandy Hook shooter. Your empathic nature as well as as your dog, Midnights', were blessings and might have saved your lives! I view your efforts for the town as the most public humanitarian gift any musician could have given to help console and contribute to the healing process for those affected by such devastating losses in the massacre.
I must tell you how wonderful this book is. It takes me deeply inside your soul. You have immense talent and heart.
I finished your book. Loved it. I am amazed at how much of your history you remember well enough to put it into writing. Your talent at relating thoughts and affairs of the heart is very much appreciated. I can relate to so much of your story, even though our paths are different. Grief is grief, joy is joy, isn't it, and I loved experiencing all of yours. Thank you for sharing such a meaningful life.
Julie allows you to connect with her in this profoundly personal life story. I laughed and cried reading this book. It’s suspenseful, moving, and deeply emotional.
—MADELINE HERDEMAN, cellist, singer, educator, bandleader, songwriter.
About the Audiobook Version
Julie Lyonn Lieberman has woven a lifetime of recorded original music into the narration of her life story. She coined the phrase “literary album” at the beginning of her 16 years of hard work on The Roaring Brook Fiddler with this vision in mind.
The Roaring Brook Fiddler is a work of non-fiction in the music, creativity, and self-reflection subgenres. It was written by Julie Lyonn Lieberman for the general reading audience and narrated by the author for this audiobook version. Within this highly creative work, the author expands on her training and career as a classical musician, as well as the experiences which encouraged her to break free from tradition and express her authentic, creative self in new, innovative, and improvisational ways. What results is a bold and heartfelt book about the transformational power of creative freedom.
Regarding the construction of this literary album, author Julie Lyonn Lieberman has a true gift for emotional narrative, tying together the many pertinent concepts as seamlessly as a composer complements one instrument with another to form a symphony. As a creative person myself, I found her journey to authenticity and freedom to be deeply resonant, and it was also expertly articulated to perfectly balance wider themes and structures against the emotional and personal content.
In terms of its audiobook presentation, you would expect someone like Lieberman to produce the highest quality sound, which is certainly the case here. The content is crisp, clear, and resonant, and Lieberman narrates with warmth and enthusiasm. It gives you the feeling that you truly know her like a dear friend by the end of the book. Overall, I’d highly recommend The Roaring Brook Fiddler for creative kindred souls everywhere.
I want to thank you for the special contribution you made to a very successful workshop. I especially appreciated the excellent performance you did on Sunday evening. Just great! Bravo and Brava!! I particularly appreciate your knowledge of musical styles from around the globe, your ability to demonstrate them authentically, and your effectiveness in sharing them with an audience. The presentations on Monday were excellent as well, with meaningful handouts and good connections with the participants. Thank you for a great kick-off for the week!
– Dorothy Straub, Director, Eastern Strings Workshop at Villanova
Her words were as wise as her teaching style was warm, with plentiful laughter and insights that kept the mood light and productive …
– Greg Olwell, Editor, STRINGS MAGAZINE
Julie Lyonn Lieberman can help you incorporate new approaches into your curriculum better than anyone I know.
– Roberta Guaspari Tzavaras, Artistic Director, Opus 118, Harlem Center for Strings
My students have learned so much from your residency at our school. Thank you for opening their ears and minds to the music of the world!
– Beth Hankins, The Lakewood Project, Lakewood, Ohio
Julie, this Facebook is a miracle, because, of musical pedagogues, you are a Titaness, and I can’t believe I am speaking to someone of such talent who has authored books and thoughts that have guided me so profoundly in my entire life outlook … not just musically.
-Carol Osborne Carriere